Internship @ Videotec SpA (Schio, VI)


Via Friuli 6 a, 36015 Schio (VI) – Italy 

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Type of internship

Internship & Final project 

Project 1

The project goal is to select, implement, customize and test one or few convolutional neural networks (CNN) allowing detection and classification capabilities on edge devices for (outdoor) video surveillance applications. 

Project 2

A smart pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera is like a robot head that rotates to keep a moving object inside the field of view.


The PTZ camera zooms-in as well, to increase far objects resolution making details more visible for identification and recognition.


PTZ tracking is a very difficult task. The problem is that any algorithm at a certain point will drift. It seems unavoidable. What can be done is detecting the drift, re-initiating the target model and resuming the PTZ tracking.


This can be achieved by a proper detection algorithm that needs to be as fast as possible to prevent the target from escaping the field of view permanently.


Deciding when a drift is happening is crucial as well. Further advancements to the overall tracking algorithms may be investigated.


The project activities will include: study of scientific papers; implementation of detection algorithms on embedded platforms; live test execution with PTZ cameras; performance and computational load evaluation; creation of a tagged video set and implementation of automatic tests on a server.

Required skills

Strong interest in computer vision and machine learning. Basic knowledge (can be acquired/improved during the project):  C/C++ and Python programming languages, embedded devices (Linux).

Languages (write/speak)

Italian or English 



Available positions



Lunch and Travel 

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