How to apply


MIME is looking for motivated students from all over the world.



Depending on whether you received your Bachelor’s degree from an Italian institution or from a foreign one, different procedures and timings apply.



Some guidelines are reported below, but you should also check the Studying @UNIPD institutional Web page for more detailed instructions.


Applications must be submitted via the institutional Website Apply (go to find programme on the left and input “ICT for Internet and Multimedia”). Information on costs and application deadlines is also available on this Website.


Students holding an Italian degree, regardless of their citizenship

MIME does not apply a limited enrolment policy towards students holding an Italian Bachelor’s degree, thus any person who matches the requirements can be enrolled.

Students holding a foreign degree

If your degree was awarded in any other country, different procedures apply depending on whether you are an EU citizen or not, and on whether you reside in Italy or not. 

Non-EU citizens residing outside Italy

The MIME Master’s degree is open to non-EU students, residing outside of Italy, who hold a foreign Bachelor’s degree. Three positions are reserved to students from the People’s Republic of China under the Marco Polo programme. 


The selection of candidates takes place very early in the academic year, typically from November of the previous year to the beginning of February, with admission results available by the end of March. Hence,  students can complete their enrollment by the time courses start, i.e., by the end of September. Applications are subjected to some entry requirements (e.g., minimum GPA).



See the institutional UNIPD website for application deadlines, tuition fees, entry requirements and further information.   

EU citizens + non-EU citizens residing in Italy

Enrollment instructions for EU citizens or non-EU citizens residing in Italy, and holding a foreign Bachelor’s degree are available on the UNIPD institutional Website.


Residing in Italy means holding a valid Italian residence permit (“permesso di soggiorno”) or a valid residence card (“carta di soggiorno”).



Specific entry requirements are specified in the “Avviso di Ammissione”, retrievable at the following link.

Some useful information for International students

Italian bureaucracy can be complex; reading this may help prospective students to understand what they will need in terms of documents and paperwork. 

Quick glossary

The codice fiscale (Italian tax code) is a unique ID that roughly corresponds to the social security number in other countries.


This code is just based on your name (as per your passport), date and place of birth, gender.


Generally, application forms prompt you for one, but you can use the code automatically generated by the system based on the data mentioned above.


The ISEE (Equivalent Economic Condition Indicator) is used to assess the Household Income (combined family members income and estate) when social benefits are requested in Italy.

In the case of university students, a more specific indicator called ISEE università is used for assessing access to services and benefits (e.g., reduction of tuition fees and/or accommodation).

See this link for information on how to obtain it in Padova.


The dichiarazione di valore (literally, declaration of value) is a statement of value that confirms that a degree attained outside Italy is equivalent to the corresponding Italian one.
If a Bachelor’s degree was obtained abroad, to enrol in MIME you must obtain a declaration of value proving that your qualification is of Level 6 in the EQF framework.

Notably, this declaration must be obtained from either an Italian embassy or the consulate of the country where the degree was awarded.

For further information visit the CIMEA Website.